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Missed a Caritas Event? No Worries: Our events are recorded for your viewing. For Upcoming Events Click the button below.

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Missed a Caritas Event? No Worries: Our events are recorded for your viewing. For Upcoming Events Click the button below.

We love our Guest Speakers

For an alphabetical list of speakers, click here

Swipe Left or Right and click on any speaker to view their presentations.
Find all our videos on our YouTube channel: Caritas Consciousness Project.

Riane Eisler, J.D., Ph.D.

Best-Selling Author, Futurist, Scientist, Culture Historian

Amit Goswami, PH.D.

Professor, researcher, bestselling author, Quantum Science Pioneer, spiritual practitioner.

Dean Radin, Ph.D

Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Author

Andrew Harvey

Best-Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Mystic

Anne Baring, Ph.D.

Award-Winning Author, Jungian Analyst, Teacher of Sacred Wisdom

Jim Tucker, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, Author and Researcher on Children Who Remember Previous Lives

Claude Swanson, Ph.D.

Physicist, Author of Books on Paranormal Research

Betty Kovacs, Ph.D.

Award-Winning Author, Teacher of Sacred Wisdom

Andrew Schulman

Classical Guitarist, Author, Medical Musician

Mary Sanders, D.C.,MIM

Chiropractor, Intuitive Healer

Grazia Di Giorgio, LPC, SEP

Jungian Analyst, Somatic Psychotherapist, Jazz Artist

Steve Taylor, Ph.D.

Best-Selling Author, Trauma and Spiritual Transformatio

Gregg Levoy

Award-Winning Author, Workshop: Stories We Tell Ourselves

Jeremy Lent

Award-winning Author and Futurist

Dave Pruett, Ph.D

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Author Addressing the Convergence of Science and Spirituality


Author, Teacher of Hindu Studies and Meditation

Monica Bourgeau, M.S.

Best-selling Author, Intuitive Business Strategist, Consultant, and Social entrepreneur

Suzanne Price

Visionary Thinker, Cultural Anthropologist, Independent Researcher

Jenny Cockell

Author of Books on Past Life Recall, Subject of film ‘Yesterday’s Children'

Kevin Todeschi, M.A.

Author, Former Director of Edgar Cayce Institute

John Mark Stroud

Spiritual Coach

Doug Scott, LCSW

Teacher of Metaphysics

Patricia L’Dara

Author and Soul Passage Midwifery Instructor

Jeff Salzman

Daily Evolver Podcast on Integral Theory and Cultural Evolution

Tim Jackson

Ecological Economist, Author of Books on Cultural Evolution

Rob Schwartz

Author; Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR), Hypnotist

Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D.

Author of books on Holistic Stress Management and Mind, Body, Spirit Healing

Keith Witt, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Teacher and Author

Maren Muter

Metaphysician, Author

Greg Thompson

Author and Near-Death Experiencer

Susan Raven

Author, Anthroposophy Workshop Facilitator, Singer/Songwriter

Nathan Castle, O.P.

Author, Catholic Priest, Helper of Souls in the Afterlife

Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.

Former Professor of Psychology and History, Author, Sacred Activist

William Peters, M.A., M.Ed., MFT

Author, Paranormal Researcher, Founder of Shared Crossing Project

Jennifer Weigel

Broadcast Journalist, Author of books on the Paranormal

Rev. Cathie Stivers, Ph.D.

Unitarian Universalist Minister, Author, Indigenous Wisdom

Luis Minero

Author, Out-of-Body Experience Instructor

Edward Tick, Ph.D.

Archetypal Psychotherapist, Trauma Expert, Author, Poet

Christopher Kerr, M.D.

CEO and CMO at Hospice Buffalo, Author, Researcher of Deathbed Visions

Shelby Demby

Managing Director at Restorative Justice Education

JoLee Wingerson, M.A.

Animal Communicator

Paul Kordis, Ph.D.

Author, Teacher of Cognitive and Evolutionary Development

Jacqueline Muller

CNVC Certified Trainer, Restorative Justice Facilitator

Dorothy Walters, Ph.D.

Spiritual Poet, Author, Former Professor of Women’s Studies

Carol Bowman, M.S.

Author and Researcher of Children Who Remember Previous Lives

Jack Stucki, RMT, BCIAC

President of the Colorado Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Stephen Hatch

Author, Mystic, Photographer & Educator

Pir Netanel Miles Yepez

Artist, Religion Scholar, and a Sufi Spiritual Teacher

Bernice Hill Ph.D.

Author, Speaker, Jungian Analyst

Don Dulchinos

Author and Experienced Technology Industry Senior Executive

Shayn Smith, Ph.D.

Astrologer, Former Professor of Counseling Psychology, Energy Healer

Victor Shamas, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Author, and Educator

Steve Bhaerman

"Swami Beyondananda" Spiritual Humorist, Author

Debra Overberg, BSEE, LMT

Electrical Engineer

Rebekah Hirsch

Psycho-spiritual Astrologer, Author

Sue Frederick

Intuitive, Author

Steve Mcintosh J.D.

President of the Institute for Cultural Evolution, Author

Carter Phipps

Author, Thought Leader, “Thinking Ahead” podcast, Co-Founder of the Institute for Cultural Evolution

Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus in Comparative Religion, Philosophy and Physics at Dalhousie University, Prolific Author

Gregory Shushan, Ph.D.

Award Winning Author, Authority of NDEs and the afterlife, International Lecturer, Adjunct Professor of Thanatology

Veronica Goodchild, Ph.D

Author, Professor Emerita at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Jungian Psychotherapist

Joseph Selbie

Author, Kriya Yoga Meditation Instructor, Founder and Retired CEO of Tristream, Founding Member of Ananda

RJ Spina

Best-selling Author, Metaphysical Teacher, Healer,

Dimitri Moraitis

Best-selling Author, Metaphysical Teacher, Mystical Healer

Rabbi Rami Shapiro PH.D.

Congregational Rabbi, Professor of Religious Studies, Co-director of The One River Foundation, Award Winning Author

Dr. Philip Merry

Award Winning Author, Leadership Facilitator, PMCG Founder

Ruth Richards, M.D., Ph.D.

Educational Psychologist and Psychiatrist, Professor

Elaine Parke, MBA, CS, CM, NSA

"Mental Nutrition" Guru, Author, Visionary, Executive Director of All of Us, Inc.

Ellen Mains

Meditation and Zen Archery Instructor, Author

Bernard Beitman, M.D.

Founding Director of The Coincidence Project, Author

David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA

Writer, Lecturer, Poet, Editor And Spiritual Activist

Connie Zweig, Ph.D.

Retired Therapist, Author

Brent Raynes

Magazine Editor, Author

Jonathan Ellerby, Ph.D.

Bestselling Author

Dan Drasin

Documentary Filmmaker, Photographer, Media Producer

Michael Grosso, Ph.D.

Bestselling Author, Professor

Russell Sturgess

Bestselling Author, Australian Osteopathic Educator

Robbie Holz

Bestselling Author, International Healer

Julian M. Polzin

Bestselling Author, Psychotherapist Spiritual Teacher

Sandra Ingerman

Bestselling Author, Teacher

Kathleen Marden

Author, Lecturer

Julian M. Polzin

Best selling author, Psychotherapist Spiritual Teacher

Freddy Silva

Bestselling author, Leading researcher in ancient civilizations


Mauro Zappaterra M.D.

Doctor, Researcher of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

Neil Douglas-Klotz

Writer, Researcher, Teacher

Clark Strand

Author and lecturer on spirituality and religion

Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D.

Former member of Harvard Medical School’s faculty


Swipe down to see a chronological list of events.

THE YUGAS with Joseph Selbie

Friday, January 24

With far-reaching changes happening on virtually a daily basis, many are wondering if we are due for a world-changing global shift, and what the future holds for mankind. Paramhansa Yogananda’s (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi) teacher, Sri Yukteswar, offered key insights into this subject nearly a century ago.

A WAVE, NOT A CIRCLE: THE ASTROLOGY OF 2025 A talk with Rebekah Hirsch

January 11, 2025

2025 is a unique and momentous year in which all 3 of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, will enter a new zodiac sign. On November 19, 2024, Pluto entered 0°of Aquarius; on March 30, 2025, Neptune will enter 0° of Aries and on July 8, Uranus will enter 0° of Gemini.

The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena with Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D.

December 07, 2024

Psychic phenomena have long been relegated to the fringe of scientific examination, but several vigorously supervised studies have proven that such phenomena as telepathy, precognition, and psychokinesis have a scientific basis.

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus: The Hidden Teachings on Life and Death with Neil Douglas-Klotz, Ph.D.

November 16, 2024

Join us for an enlightening conversation on the works and teachings of Neil Douglas-Klotz, a renowned scholar, author, and spiritual teacher with a deep background in Aramaic language studies and Middle Eastern spirituality. We will explore the teachings of Jesus through the perspective of Aramaic, the language he spoke.

Cerebrospinal Fluid and the
“I AM” Experience with Mauro Zappaterra

November 11, 2024

Have you ever considered the wondrous role of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in your body? It’s like an energetic river flowing through your brain and spine, carrying Source energy and vital information. This fluid, nestled between fascial layers, is a treasure trove of significance.

Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds with Freddy Silva

October 11, 2024

Portals are thought of as gateways or passageways between different dimensions, realms of consciousness, or planes of existence. Many cultures and traditions throughout history have referenced the existence of such portals, often locating them at sacred sites, places of natural power, or specific architectural formations like stone circles, temples, or pyramids. These portals are said to function by aligning with the earth’s energy grids, celestial events, or specific frequencies that allow a shift in consciousness.

Waking Up to the Dark: The Black Madonna’s Gospel for an Age of Extinction and Collapse with Clark Strand

October 04, 2024

Is darkness synonymous with ignorance and evil? Or is it the original matrix from which all life emerges, and the Mother to whom it returns?  Increasingly high levels of artificial illumination have suppressed our contact with the numinous since the Industrial Revolution, with dire consequences for society, our planetary ecology, and our souls.

The Physics of Miraculous Healing: How Emotion, Mind and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing with Joseph Selbie

September 27, 2024

No disease is incurable. Modern physics, not modern medicine, can explain extraordinary healing. Discoveries in physics today support millennia old spiritual traditions that suggest that not only is extraordinary, miraculous healing possible, but that we have innate soul powers that directly and powerfully determine our health and ability to self-heal.

Consciousness Beyond Life: the Science of the Near-Death Experience with Pim van Lommel, M.D.

Saturday, Aug 24

As a cardiologist, Pim van Lommel was struck by the number of his patients who claimed to have near-death experiences (NDEs) as a result of their heart attacks. As a scientist, this was difficult for him to accept: Wouldn’t it be scientifically irresponsible of him to ignore the evidence of these stories? 

Forbidden Knowledge: A personal journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual transformation with Kathleen Marden

Friday, June 28

KATHLEEN MARDEN’s amazing life as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first scientifically investigated case of alien abduction, sent her on a lifelong search for answers. Her personal struggle with the unknown has carried her through the twists, turns and glimpses of mysterious realities.

Experiencing the Shamanic Journey to Connect with Nature with Sandra Ingerman

Friday, May 10

Sandra is delighted to share the ancient art of shamanic journeying  with you. Shamanism is the oldest universal spiritual practice on the  planet today. One of the fundamental practices of shamanism is the shamanic  journey.

Beyond Psychotherapy: The Laughing God behind the Masks with Julian M. Polzin

Friday, June 28

More & more psychotherapists, educated in western schools of thought, find astonishing similarities between cognitive behavioral therapy and eastern Zen Buddhism. While the phenomena that occur on a daily basis to a therapist leave the western mind baffled, we find ourselves finding answers not in belief systems or scientific reductionism of the 20th century, but in the practices of eastern spiritual teachings, quantum physics, neuroscience, the research on psychedelic substances & past life experience

Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening: A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe with Robbie Holz

Friday, May 10

In 1983 award-winning physicist Gary Holz was diagnosed with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. By 1988 he was wheelchair bound. Then, in 1994, his doctors told him he had two years to live. Desperate and depressed, he followed a synchronistic suggestion and went to Australia to live with a remote Aboriginal tribe.

The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot – The End of Suffering with Russell Sturgess

Friday, April 19

The Cathar, especially those in the Languedoc of Southern France, and the region of Milan in Northern Italy, could be best described as Neo-Gnostic Christians. They were referred to as ‘the good Christians’ and identified themselves as bons homme and bonnes femmes. Being identified as heretics by the Catholic Church, their expanding popularity alarmed Pope Innocent III, who commissioned the Albigensian Crusade in 1209.

Miracles, Psychic Phenomena and Human Evolution with Michael Grosso, Ph.D.

Friday, May 10

Arguably, psychic phenomena point toward human evolution—a reasonable hypothesis. In his talk, Michael Grosso will sketch a portrait of what that evolutionary process might look like, reviewing the various components of our psychic life, extrasensory and psychokinetic. We will try to imagine the ways in which the fuller development of these psi functions will change the way we live

A New Science of the Afterlife: Space, Time and the Consciousness Code with Dan Drasin

Friday, April 19

Sharing his more than three decades of research into the afterlife and paranormal phenomena, Daniel Drasin shows that the survival of human consciousness after death constitutes a legitimate arena of scientific inquiry backed by a robust body of compelling evidence.

The Healing Power of the 7 Super States of Consciousness with Jonathan Ellerby, Ph.D.

Friday, April 5
We each have had moments that transcend ordinary reality, experiences that reveal our connection to the Sacred, to the Living Energy of the Universe. Yet many people brush off these flashes of spiritual wonder and non-ordinary consciousness, not realizing they can be important stepping stones on the spiritual path.

My Journey Down the UFO Rabbit Hole with Brent Raynes

Friday, March 22

Brent will detailed his slightly over 57 years of delving into the controversial enigma commonly known as unidentified flying objects. The prominent mainstream theory held by ufologists and best known to the general public at large regarding this phenomenon is that all evidence points towards it representing otherworldly extraterrestrial visitors coming to earth in spaceships.

2024: Living in a time of change with Psychospiritual Astrologer, Author and Artist Rebekah Hirsch

Friday, October 27

We know that we are living through momentous times, coming to terms with world events that can be deeply disturbing. So it is extremely helpful to take a step back, look at the larger time frame and understand that we are witnessing the ending of the old order and that something new is starting to be born.

Afterlife Interrupted Helping Souls Cross Over A Conversation with Nathan G. Castle, O.P.

Friday, January 12

Fr. Nathan: “I explained the method my prayer partners and I use to help souls who had died sudden, violent deaths to complete their passage. It appeared they did not experience what people who survive a Near Death Experience often report: that is, leave their body, move down a path, perhaps through a tunnel, and meet previously deceased loved ones.”

Your Soul’s Love: Living the Love You Planned Before You Were Born with Rob Schwartz

October 27

In every tradition, saints and poets speak of the soul’s search for the beloved, the seeker’s yearning for the divine, for the Self beyond ego. This holy longing is a secret feeling with many disguises, leading us to pursue a higher union in spiritual practice, religious discipleship, even romantic embrace. It guides us to timeless wisdom and transcendent experiences.

The Miracle of Death: There Is Nothing but Life with Betty Kovács Ph.D.

Saturday, December 2

The Miracle of Death is a true story of multiple deaths in a close-knit family, and the precognitive dreams, visions, profound after-death communications, out-of-body experiences,and synchronistic visionary events that imbued their grief with layers of meaning and spiritual revelation

Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path with Connie Zweig, Ph.D.

Friday, October 27

In every tradition, saints and poets speak of the soul’s search for the beloved, the seeker’s yearning for the divine, for the Self beyond ego. This holy longing is a secret feeling with many disguises, leading us to pursue a higher union in spiritual practice, religious discipleship, even romantic embrace. It guides us to timeless wisdom and transcendent experiences.

Mary Magdalene, the Chalice of the Grail, and the Path of the Blue Rose A presentation by Veronica Goodchild, PhD

Saturday, October 28

We stand at a critical juncture – even bifurcation – in human development and evolution. The Silicon Valley and World Economic Forum view of the human being is mechanistic – we are either complex biological machines whose software needs to be enhanced and upgraded or hackable animals whose behavior can to be nudged or even manipulated and controlled. Both of these views are reductionist forms of technocratic social engineering.

Blessed by Mysterious Grace: The Journey of a Pilgrim with Ravi Ravindra, PhD

October 27, 2023

In this presentation, Ravi will invite all participants to explore the Mysterious Forces running their lives. Obviously, we did not create ourselves. What Forces have created us – and why?

Transcendence or Transhumanism? with David Lorimer

Saturday, October 21

We stand at a critical juncture – even bifurcation – in human development and evolution. The Silicon Valley and World Economic Forum view of the human being is mechanistic – we are either complex biological machines whose software needs to be enhanced and upgraded or hackable animals whose behavior can to be nudged or even manipulated and controlled. Both of these views are reductionist forms of technocratic social engineering.

We love our Guest Speakers

For an alphabetical list of speakers, click here

Swipe Left or Right and click on any speaker to view their presentations.

Riane Eisler, J.D., Ph.D.

Best-Selling Author, Futurist, Scientist, Culture Historian

Amit Goswami, PH.D.

Professor, researcher, bestselling author, Quantum Science Pioneer, spiritual practitioner.

Dean Radin, Ph.D

Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Author

Andrew Harvey

Best-Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Mystic

Anne Baring, Ph.D.

Award-Winning Author, Jungian Analyst, Teacher of Sacred Wisdom

Jim Tucker, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, Author and Researcher on Children Who Remember Previous Lives

Claude Swanson, Ph.D.

Physicist, Author of Books on Paranormal Research

Betty Kovacs, Ph.D.

Award-Winning Author, Teacher of Sacred Wisdom

Andrew Schulman

Classical Guitarist, Author, Medical Musician

Mary Sanders, D.C.,MIM

Chiropractor, Intuitive Healer

Grazia Di Giorgio, LPC, SEP

Jungian Analyst, Somatic Psychotherapist, Jazz Artist

Steve Taylor, Ph.D.

Best-Selling Author, Trauma and Spiritual Transformatio

Gregg Levoy

Award-Winning Author, Workshop: Stories We Tell Ourselves

Jeremy Lent

Award-winning Author and Futurist

Dave Pruett, Ph.D

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Author Addressing the Convergence of Science and Spirituality


Author, Teacher of Hindu Studies and Meditation

Monica Bourgeau, M.S.

Best-selling Author, Intuitive Business Strategist, Consultant, and Social entrepreneur

Suzanne Price

Visionary Thinker, Cultural Anthropologist, Independent Researcher

Jenny Cockell

Author of Books on Past Life Recall, Subject of film ‘Yesterday’s Children'

Kevin Todeschi, M.A.

Author, Former Director of Edgar Cayce Institute

John Mark Stroud

Spiritual Coach

Doug Scott, LCSW

Teacher of Metaphysics

Patricia L’Dara

Author and Soul Passage Midwifery Instructor

Jeff Salzman

Daily Evolver Podcast on Integral Theory and Cultural Evolution

Tim Jackson

Ecological Economist, Author of Books on Cultural Evolution

Rob Schwartz

Author; Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR), Hypnotist

Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D.

Author of books on Holistic Stress Management and Mind, Body, Spirit Healing

Keith Witt, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Teacher and Author

Maren Muter

Metaphysician, Author

Greg Thompson

Author and Near-Death Experiencer

Susan Raven

Author, Anthroposophy Workshop Facilitator, Singer/Songwriter

Nathan Castle, O.P.

Author, Catholic Priest, Helper of Souls in the Afterlife

Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.

Former Professor of Psychology and History, Author, Sacred Activist

William Peters, M.A., M.Ed., MFT

Author, Paranormal Researcher, Founder of Shared Crossing Project

Jennifer Weigel

Broadcast Journalist, Author of books on the Paranormal

Rev. Cathie Stivers, Ph.D.

Unitarian Universalist Minister, Author, Indigenous Wisdom

Luis Minero

Author, Out-of-Body Experience Instructor

Edward Tick, Ph.D.

Archetypal Psychotherapist, Trauma Expert, Author, Poet

Christopher Kerr, M.D.

CEO and CMO at Hospice Buffalo, Author, Researcher of Deathbed Visions

Shelby Demby

Managing Director at Restorative Justice Education

JoLee Wingerson, M.A.

Animal Communicator

Paul Kordis, Ph.D.

Author, Teacher of Cognitive and Evolutionary Development

Jacqueline Muller

CNVC Certified Trainer, Restorative Justice Facilitator

Dorothy Walters, Ph.D.

Spiritual Poet, Author, Former Professor of Women’s Studies

Carol Bowman, M.S.

Author and Researcher of Children Who Remember Previous Lives

Jack Stucki, RMT, BCIAC

President of the Colorado Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Stephen Hatch

Author, Mystic, Photographer & Educator

Pir Netanel Miles Yepez

Artist, Religion Scholar, and a Sufi Spiritual Teacher

Bernice Hill Ph.D.

Author, Speaker, Jungian Analyst

Don Dulchinos

Author and Experienced Technology Industry Senior Executive

Shayn Smith, Ph.D.

Astrologer, Former Professor of Counseling Psychology, Energy Healer

Victor Shamas, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Author, and Educator

Steve Bhaerman

"Swami Beyondananda" Spiritual Humorist, Author

Debra Overberg, BSEE, LMT

Electrical Engineer

Rebekah Hirsch

Psycho-spiritual Astrologer, Author

Sue Frederick

Intuitive, Author

Steve Mcintosh J.D.

President of the Institute for Cultural Evolution, Author

Carter Phipps

Author, Thought Leader, “Thinking Ahead” podcast, Co-Founder of the Institute for Cultural Evolution

Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus in Comparative Religion, Philosophy and Physics at Dalhousie University, Prolific Author

Gregory Shushan, Ph.D.

Award Winning Author, Authority of NDEs and the afterlife, International Lecturer, Adjunct Professor of Thanatology

Veronica Goodchild, Ph.D

Author, Professor Emerita at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Jungian Psychotherapist

Joseph Selbie

Author, Kriya Yoga Meditation Instructor, Founder and Retired CEO of Tristream, Founding Member of Ananda

RJ Spina

Best-selling Author, Metaphysical Teacher, Healer,

Dimitri Moraitis

Best-selling Author, Metaphysical Teacher, Mystical Healer

Rabbi Rami Shapiro PH.D.

Congregational Rabbi, Professor of Religious Studies, Co-director of The One River Foundation, Award Winning Author

Dr. Philip Merry

Award Winning Author, Leadership Facilitator, PMCG Founder

Ruth Richards, M.D., Ph.D.

Educational Psychologist and Psychiatrist, Professor

Elaine Parke, MBA, CS, CM, NSA

"Mental Nutrition" Guru, Author, Visionary, Executive Director of All of Us, Inc.

Ellen Mains

Meditation and Zen Archery Instructor, Author

Bernard Beitman, M.D.

Founding Director of The Coincidence Project, Author

David Lorimer, MA, PGCE, FRSA

Writer, Lecturer, Poet, Editor And Spiritual Activist

Connie Zweig, Ph.D.

Retired Therapist, Author

Brent Raynes

Magazine Editor, Author

Jonathan Ellerby, Ph.D.

Bestselling Author

Dan Drasin

Documentary Filmmaker, Photographer, Media Producer

Michael Grosso, Ph.D.

Bestselling Author, Professor

Russell Sturgess

Bestselling Author, Australian Osteopathic Educator

Robbie Holz

Bestselling Author, International Healer

Julian M. Polzin

Bestselling Author, Psychotherapist Spiritual Teacher

Sandra Ingerman

Bestselling Author, Teacher

Kathleen Marden

Author, Lecturer

Swipe down to see a chronological lists of events.

Watch the trailer then click “Learn More” for more info on the presenter and to access the full video recording

The Physics of Miraculous Healing: How Emotion, Mind and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing with Joseph Selbie

September 27, 2024

No disease is incurable. Modern physics, not modern medicine, can explain extraordinary healing. Discoveries in physics today support millennia old spiritual traditions that suggest that not only is extraordinary, miraculous healing possible, but that we have innate soul powers that directly and powerfully determine our health and ability to self-heal

Consciousness Beyond Life: the Science of the Near-Death Experience with Pim van Lommel, M.D.

Saturday, Aug 24

As a cardiologist, Pim van Lommel was struck by the number of his patients who claimed to have near-death experiences (NDEs) as a result of their heart attacks. As a scientist, this was difficult for him to accept: Wouldn’t it be scientifically irresponsible of him to ignore the evidence of these stories? 

Forbidden Knowledge: A personal journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual transformation with Kathleen Marden

Friday, June 28

KATHLEEN MARDEN’s amazing life as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first scientifically investigated case of alien abduction, sent her on a lifelong search for answers. Her personal struggle with the unknown has carried her through the twists, turns and glimpses of mysterious realities.

Experiencing the Shamanic Journey to Connect with Nature with Sandra Ingerman

Friday, May 10

Sandra is delighted to share the ancient art of shamanic journeying  with you. Shamanism is the oldest universal spiritual practice on the  planet today. One of the fundamental practices of shamanism is the shamanic  journey.

Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening: A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe with Robbie Holz

Friday, May 10

In 1983 award-winning physicist Gary Holz was diagnosed with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. By 1988 he was wheelchair bound. Then, in 1994, his doctors told him he had two years to live. Desperate and depressed, he followed a synchronistic suggestion and went to Australia to live with a remote Aboriginal tribe.

The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot – The End of Suffering with Russell Sturgess

Friday, April 19

The Cathar, especially those in the Languedoc of Southern France, and the region of Milan in Northern Italy, could be best described as Neo-Gnostic Christians. They were referred to as ‘the good Christians’ and identified themselves as bons homme and bonnes femmes. Being identified as heretics by the Catholic Church, their expanding popularity alarmed Pope Innocent III, who commissioned the Albigensian Crusade in 1209.

Miracles, Psychic Phenomena and Human Evolution with Michael Grosso, Ph.D.

Friday, May 10

Arguably, psychic phenomena point toward human evolution—a reasonable hypothesis. In his talk, Michael Grosso will sketch a portrait of what that evolutionary process might look like, reviewing the various components of our psychic life, extrasensory and psychokinetic. We will try to imagine the ways in which the fuller development of these psi functions will change the way we live

A New Science of the Afterlife: Space, Time and the Consciousness Code with Dan Drasin

Friday, April 19

Sharing his more than three decades of research into the afterlife and paranormal phenomena, Daniel Drasin shows that the survival of human consciousness after death constitutes a legitimate arena of scientific inquiry backed by a robust body of compelling evidence.

The Healing Power of the 7 Super States of Consciousness with Jonathan Ellerby, Ph.D.

Friday, April 5
We each have had moments that transcend ordinary reality, experiences that reveal our connection to the Sacred, to the Living Energy of the Universe. Yet many people brush off these flashes of spiritual wonder and non-ordinary consciousness, not realizing they can be important stepping stones on the spiritual path.

My Journey Down the UFO Rabbit Hole with Brent Raynes

Friday, March 22

Brent will detail his slightly over 57 years of delving into the controversial enigma commonly known as unidentified flying objects. The prominent mainstream theory held by ufologists and best known to the general public at large regarding this phenomenon is that all evidence points towards it representing otherworldly extraterrestrial visitors coming to earth in spaceships.

2024: Living in a time of change with Psychospiritual Astrologer, Author and Artist Rebekah Hirsch

Friday, October 27

We know that we are living through momentous times, coming to terms with world events that can be deeply disturbing. So it is extremely helpful to take a step back, look at the larger time frame and understand that we are witnessing the ending of the old order and that something new is starting to be born.

Afterlife Interrupted Helping Souls Cross Over A Conversation with Nathan G. Castle, O.P.

Friday, January 12

I explained the method my prayer partners and I use to help souls who had died sudden, violent deaths to complete their passage. It appeared they did not experience what people who survive a Near Death Experience often report: that is, leave their body, move down a path, perhaps through a tunnel, and meet previously deceased loved ones.

Your Soul’s Love: Living the Love You Planned Before You Were Born with Rob Schwartz

October 27

In every tradition, saints and poets speak of the soul’s search for the beloved, the seeker’s yearning for the divine, for the Self beyond ego. This holy longing is a secret feeling with many disguises, leading us to pursue a higher union in spiritual practice, religious discipleship, even romantic embrace. It guides us to timeless wisdom and transcendent experiences.

The Miracle of Death: There Is Nothing but Life with Betty Kovács Ph.D.

Saturday, December 2

The Miracle of Death is a true story of multiple deaths in a close-knit family, and the precognitive dreams, visions, profound after-death communications, out-of-body experiences,and synchronistic visionary events that imbued their grief with layers of meaning and spiritual revelation

Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path with Connie Zweig, Ph.D.

Friday, October 27

In every tradition, saints and poets speak of the soul’s search for the beloved, the seeker’s yearning for the divine, for the Self beyond ego. This holy longing is a secret feeling with many disguises, leading us to pursue a higher union in spiritual practice, religious discipleship, even romantic embrace. It guides us to timeless wisdom and transcendent experiences.

Mary Magdalene, the Chalice of the Grail, and the Path of the Blue Rose A presentation by Veronica Goodchild, PhD

Saturday, October 28

We stand at a critical juncture – even bifurcation – in human development and evolution. The Silicon Valley and World Economic Forum view of the human being is mechanistic – we are either complex biological machines whose software needs to be enhanced and upgraded or hackable animals whose behavior can to be nudged or even manipulated and controlled. Both of these views are reductionist forms of technocratic social engineering.

Blessed by Mysterious Grace: The Journey of a Pilgrim with Ravi Ravindra, PhD

October 27, 2023

In this presentation, Ravi will invite all participants to explore the Mysterious Forces running their lives. Obviously, we did not create ourselves. What Forces have created us – and why?

Transcendence or Transhumanism? with David Lorimer

Saturday, October 21

We stand at a critical juncture – even bifurcation – in human development and evolution. The Silicon Valley and World Economic Forum view of the human being is mechanistic – we are either complex biological machines whose software needs to be enhanced and upgraded or hackable animals whose behavior can to be nudged or even manipulated and controlled. Both of these views are reductionist forms of technocratic social engineering.