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Missed a Caritas Event? No Worries: Our events are recorded for your viewing. For Upcoming Events Click the button below.

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Missed a Caritas Event? No Worries: Our events are recorded for your viewing. For Upcoming Events Click the button below.

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The Rise of the Evolutionaries with Carter Phipps

Oct 29, 2021
In his book Evolutionaries, Phipps presented the work of a group of inspired thinkers, activists, and leaders who are inspired by an evolutionary vision and who transcend traditional cultural and political divisions. He then co- founded the Institute for Cultural Evolution to apply those essential ideas to the challenge of a political polarized America.

Conversations with Evolutionary Leaders: Tim Jackson

Sept 18, 2021
What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental and social limits? This question has guided Tim Jackson’s research for over thirty years.

The Creative Power of the Culture War with Jeff Salzman

Oct 17, 2021
This process of emergence is accelerating and there is a next human being born in real time, one newly equipped to take on the unsolved problems left by the exhausted previous stages. Our opportunity – and call – is to consciously participate in this unfolding.

Soul Passage Midwifery 1 with Patricia L’Dara 8-week Course

Oct 17, 2021

Nothing is as devastating as the moment we learn a loved one may soon die. Time stops.  We grasp at straws trying to make sense of the injustice.  We tell ourselves there must be some mistake.  We cry uncontrollably.  We wonder what we can do to help.  We also wonder if there really is an after-life.

A Cosmic View of the Perennial Philosophy: The Law of One, Spiral Dynamics, and Building Fourth Density

July 16, 2021

The Law of One Material is a comprehensive exploration of the Perennial Philosophy. It’s breadth and depth intrigue, inspire, and challenge us to look at ourselves and our world with new eyes. The presentation will introduce this amazing material from the point of view that the presenter believes was behind the intention of the beings who channeled the information to three humans over four consecutive years beginning in 1981.

Crossing the Threshold: Intimate contact with our eternal nature with John Mark Stroud

June 25, 2021

What if the threshold between the temporary and the eternal is always here, now? What if we can learn to access that eternal experiential truth simply and effortlessly here, now?  And what if they body, as illusory as it may be, is a wonderful helpmate in the process?

Conversations with Evolutionary Thinkers: Jenny Cockell

April 17

Jenny Cockell’s compelling account, Across Time and Death, was made into a motion picture with Jane Seymour in the role of Jenny (Yesterday’s Children, 2000).

Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Reincarnation and Family Karma with Kevin J. Todeschi, MA

May 7, 2021

This program will explore the Cayce information at its source – what he called the “Akashic Records” – and examine Cayce’s understanding of Reincarnation and Family Karma. Led by the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce work, Kevin J. Todeschi, you will explore some of the case histories from the Cayce files and gain insights into the dynamics of some of your own personal, family relationships.

2021: SATURN IN AQUARIUS SQUARE URANUS IN TAURUS A talk with psycho-spiritual astrologer Rebekah Hirsch

April 24, 2021

In her talk, Rebekah will be exploring both the risks and the potential presented by the  Saturn Uranus square and the transit of Uranus through Taurus. In guided meditation  we will have the opportunity to meet with these archetypal energies as living beings  operating in our own human energy field and to hold a vision for the highest expression  of these cosmic patterns. 

The Power of Wow: Plugging into Your True Creative Nature

Feb 19, 2021

Creative breakthroughs emerge from profoundly transformative experiences, which often start with a moment of “Wow!” For over three decades, Victor Shamas has devoted his life to the exploration and study of creative experiences.

Watch the trailer then click “Learn More” for more info on the presenter and to access the full video recording

The Rise of the Evolutionaries with Carter Phipps

Oct 29, 2021
In his book Evolutionaries, Phipps presented the work of a group of inspired thinkers, activists, and leaders who are inspired by an evolutionary vision and who transcend traditional cultural and political divisions. He then co- founded the Institute for Cultural Evolution to apply those essential ideas to the challenge of a political polarized America.

Conversations with Evolutionary Leaders: Tim Jackson

Sept 18, 2021
What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental and social limits? This question has guided Tim Jackson’s research for over thirty years.

The Creative Power of the Culture War with Jeff Salzman

Oct 17, 2021
This process of emergence is accelerating and there is a next human being born in real time, one newly equipped to take on the unsolved problems left by the exhausted previous stages. Our opportunity – and call – is to consciously participate in this unfolding.

Soul Passage Midwifery 1 with Patricia L’Dara 8-week Course

Oct 17, 2021

Nothing is as devastating as the moment we learn a loved one may soon die. Time stops.  We grasp at straws trying to make sense of the injustice.  We tell ourselves there must be some mistake.  We cry uncontrollably.  We wonder what we can do to help.  We also wonder if there really is an after-life.

A Cosmic View of the Perennial Philosophy: The Law of One, Spiral Dynamics, and Building Fourth Density

July 16, 2021

The Law of One Material is a comprehensive exploration of the Perennial Philosophy. It’s breadth and depth intrigue, inspire, and challenge us to look at ourselves and our world with new eyes. The presentation will introduce this amazing material from the point of view that the presenter believes was behind the intention of the beings who channeled the information to three humans over four consecutive years beginning in 1981.

Crossing the Threshold: Intimate contact with our eternal nature with John Mark Stroud

June 25, 2021

What if the threshold between the temporary and the eternal is always here, now? What if we can learn to access that eternal experiential truth simply and effortlessly here, now?  And what if they body, as illusory as it may be, is a wonderful helpmate in the process?

Conversations with Evolutionary Thinkers: Jenny Cockell

April 17

Jenny Cockell’s compelling account, Across Time and Death, was made into a motion picture with Jane Seymour in the role of Jenny (Yesterday’s Children, 2000).

Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Reincarnation and Family Karma with Kevin J. Todeschi, MA

May 7, 2021

This program will explore the Cayce information at its source – what he called the “Akashic Records” – and examine Cayce’s understanding of Reincarnation and Family Karma. Led by the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce work, Kevin J. Todeschi, you will explore some of the case histories from the Cayce files and gain insights into the dynamics of some of your own personal, family relationships.

2021: SATURN IN AQUARIUS SQUARE URANUS IN TAURUS A talk with psycho-spiritual astrologer Rebekah Hirsch

April 24, 2021

In her talk, Rebekah will be exploring both the risks and the potential presented by the  Saturn Uranus square and the transit of Uranus through Taurus. In guided meditation  we will have the opportunity to meet with these archetypal energies as living beings  operating in our own human energy field and to hold a vision for the highest expression  of these cosmic patterns. 

The Power of Wow: Plugging into Your True Creative Nature

Feb 19, 2021

Creative breakthroughs emerge from profoundly transformative experiences, which often start with a moment of “Wow!” For over three decades, Victor Shamas has devoted his life to the exploration and study of creative experiences.