Stephen Hatch
Stephen Hatch trained with Father Thomas Keating in the 1980s and has lived acontemplative life ever since. His life work is discovering and practicing the connection between Nature and contemplation. Stephen teaches two Christian Mysticism courses at Naropa University and is the author of “The Contemplative John Muir: Spiritual Quotations from the Great American Naturalist” (2012), and “Wilderness Mysticism: A Contemplative Christian Tradition” (2018). He was interviewed in the recent film: “The Unruly Mystic: John Muir"”; (2019). Stephen lives in Fort Collins and hikes, camps and backpacks whenever he can.
Stephen Hatch’s 2 Caritas Events
The Wilderness Mysticism of John Muir with Author and Educator Stephen Hatch
May 20, 2020 Presentation
John Muir (1838-1914) is best known for his work in preserving the great natural areas of America. He was an explorer, botanist, geologist, storyteller, and a founder of the Sierra Club.
Falling in Love with the World: An Introduction to Christian Mysticism with Stephen Hatch.
March 13, 2020 Presentation
The presentation focuses on the lessons and insights that Stephen Hatch has gleaned through forty years of living as a “worldly monk” with a family.