Although there is little technology to equal it — past or present– the Great Pyramid has been compared to Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower for worldwide wireless energy that he proposed over a century ago but was never able to fully realize. Archaeological objects and royal tomb art also suggest ancient Egyptians developed methods to receive and redistribute this energy. They may have actually used sophisticated lighting techniques!
Suzanne has presented up-to-date, cutting-edge research and recent discoveries at the Giza Pyramids. This included a brief historical overview of the ancient Egyptians (or Khemitians) and a new chamber discovered in the middle of the Great Pyramid. Additional archaeological finds improved dating methods, and ancient wisdom teachings suggest the Egyptian and other ancient civilizations are far older and more advanced than previously thought. An increasing number of out-of-place artifacts (OOPart) also, reflect astonishing ages of ancient cultures and technology.