Jack Stucki received a national and international award for his work in developing and implementing technologies to assist in humanity’s awakening. His efforts have been acknowledged in books by Elmer Green, Claude Swanson, Jean Millay, and Mark Macy and in articles by Celia Coates and others. The fractal beings that work with him communicate with love, compassion and humor with the intention of accelerating mankind’s rightful place within the Galactic Federation.
Jack Stucki’s main interest lies in using high technology to explore subtle energies, culminating in the current use of and research with the Bio-luminator and constructing energy clearing devices, such as Sacred Space Generators. This presentation will encompass Jack’s encounters with some wonderful fractal beings that have appeared and communicated with him over the past few years, including one who allowed Jack to photograph him.
Jack Stucki, RMT, BCIAC, began his professional career in 1967 as a music therapist. He was influenced most by the people he served, including severely and profoundly retarded children, and the comatose. His work with the comatose was featured on educational television and headlined in the Contemporary Magazine of the Denver Post. In the late 1960s he taught Group Dynamics in Counseling on the graduate level at Western State College, Gunnison, CO. In the 1970s he established one of the earlier pain clinics in the nation. His work has also been featured on the television talk show “The Changing Paradigm”. In 1991, he was a member of the fact-finding team studying the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, and introduced professionals, in the Ukraine, to biofeedback.