In this talk, Rebekah considers the possibility that we are being drawn into the current of a new wave. We are living in a time when astonishing advances in collective consciousness are now becoming available to the human race.
Times like this may feel as though we are white water rafting, or even drowning, as we are confronted by the turbulence of old images that resist change and try to block the flow. But we are not going round in circles or regressing backward into old ways. We are riding a huge wave, and three ‘Gods of Change’ (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are opening us to the vision of possibilities that, if we can stay open to their energies, can ultimately usher in a New Earth.

Rebekah Hirsch has been an astrologer for over 30 years. In recent years, her understanding of astrology has shifted to a profound experience of the planetary archetypes, both as elemental currents comprising a person’s human energy field and also as a powerful living presence in the universal field.
Rebekah is an advanced level graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, USA, as well as a professional archetypal astrologer, having trained with Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas at the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London. She is also a trainer and facilitator of the transpersonal work known as Voice Dialogue. She lives in London where she runs a private practice as an energy healer and astrologer.

Her book, Charting the Soul: Astrology, Characterology and the Human Energy Field, published in 2016, is a synthesis of archetypal astrology and the Brennan approach.
Rebekah runs her own “Charting the Soul” workshops based on the themes from her book. She regularly gives lectures at the Astrological Lodge of London and other astrology groups as well as teaching Voice Dialogue. Rebekah is also a visionary painter.
You can contact Rebekah at [email protected]